For citation: Vihrova O.Ju. (2020) SMI i informacionnaja bezopasnost' EAJeS [Media and Information Security in the EAEU]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2020.7
@ Olga Ju. Vihrova
PhD in Philology, Coordinator of Educational and Research Projects with CIS Countries at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Mass media, being the main tool of information support of integration processes of the Eurasian Economic Union, have a significant impact both on strengthening of geopolitical status of the young regional union on the world stage, and on ensuring the internal stability of the Union, supported by the civil population of the member states.
In view of the fact that in the new political reality, developed after 2014, information confrontation in international realm is becoming more acute, and the information space of the EAEU is characterized by such phenomena as information vacuum on the EAEU subject in the discourse of national socio-political news media and information apathy of mass audience to the relevant topics, an urgent need has emerged to find effective methods and incentives aimed at revitalizing of the media activity of the member states to cover newsbreaks, appearing within the Eurasian economic integration.
Since the harmonization of legislation in order to form a unified information policy requires a significant amount of time and labour, at the initial stage it can be developed by a large number of engaged and formally independent, but functionally interrelated, entities and institutions (states, the EEC, multinational media institutions, media industry enterprises, national mass media, etc.), operating simultaneously on several functional arenas and at several geographical scales in order to solve the common task to ensure the information security of the integration union.
Keywords: EAEU, Eurasian Economic Union, harmonization of media policy, EAEU`s information security, convergence of media systems.
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