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Conceptualization of Media Communication

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For citation: Kolomiets V.P. (2019) Konceptualizacija mediakommunikacii [Conceptualization of Media-Communication]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2019.2


© Viktor P. Kolomiets
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article considers the problems of conceptualization of relatively new research and educational space, which is named "media-communication". Some Russian universities started to offer bachelor and master degrees in media-communication, and this event actualized research interest in various aspects of this scientific discipline. This work first presents an overview of approaches that researches apply to define the term "media-communication". This overview provides grounds for the conclusion that there are differing views on this question. Then, the author's concept of media-communication is described. According to this concept, media-communication is a range of practices related to the use of meanings during the process of receiving and imparting information using technical means of communication – i.e., using media. The most obvious examples of media-communication appear in diurnal behaviour of people, which, owing to the development of digital technologies and the Internet, is acquiring the instrumental nature. Instrument of communication becomes a permanent mediator between the consciousness of individuals and the world around them. As civilization develops, individual's picture of the world is becoming increasingly determinated by media-communication. Ontological conceptualization of media-communication is implemented in terms of the following three research frameworks: realism vs. nominalism, monism vs. pluralism, information vs. communication. It is shown, that the transformation from mass communication to media-communication is the result of creation of mediators based on digital technologies that deprived mass media of monopoly on meanings dissemination, which has led to increase in significance of the consumer of media products in the communication process.

Keywords: media-communication, media, media practices, mass communication, mass media.



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