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Business Media Typology in Russia and Its Development Issues

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For citation: Vinogradova U.E. (2019) Metodicheskie problemy razvitiya klassifikatsii delovykh media [Business Media Typology in Russia and Its Development Issues]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.11


© Uliana E. Vinogradova

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article suggests a universal analysis framework for business media taking into account various types of evolution. Methodological development challenges of business media typology are also analyzed as a part of this work. In particular, an evolution of a methodology toolbox and specific business media studies are considered. Involved elements of building a typological structure of business media are reviewed: definitions of business media and its analogs by some authors, and the new concept of "business media" which has developed – these are attributes of classification that can help to reflect the typological structure of business media in view of a given current evolution of media system. Furthermore, the new typological structure of business media is displayed and explained, the concepts of its types and subtypes are given, and all classification levels are generically described by key attributes. Finally, the examples of business media are given for every type and subtype of business media.

Keywords: business media, analysis system for business media, classification and types of business media, typological categorization of business media, typology of business media



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