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User-Generated Content in News Broadcasts of Russian TV Channels

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For citation: TolokonnikovaA.V., Maksimova A.V. (2019) Pol'zovatel'skiy kontent v vypuskakh novostey na rossiyskikh telekanalakh [User-Generated Content in News Broadcasts of Russian TV Channels]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.8


© Anna V. Tolokonnikova
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),

© Alexandra V. Maksimova
Lomonosov Moscow State University graduate, Faculty of Journalism, correspondent at 'Business morning', NTV channel (Moscow, Russia),



The paper examines how TV channels in Russia use photo and video materials that were posted on the Internet by ordinary users. The authors pointed out several important events that took place in January-May 2017. The list of events included a terrorist act in St. Petersburg metro, the shelling of the Polish consulate in the west of Ukraine, a protest in Lviv and the closure of the Lviv-Warsaw international road, the collision of a train and electric train in Moscow, and forest fires in Siberia. Each of these events correlates with the main types of stories covered using some form of UGC, according to the researchers of Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School C. Wardle, S. Dubberley, P. Brown (such as «Explosion. Terrorism or other causes», «Conflict, War, Military», «Protest», «Vehicular crashes» and «Weather»). In this paper the authors analyze news stories related to these topics aired on Perviy Kanal, Rossiya 1, NTV, REN TV, Life News to find out whether user-generated content was used in the creation of stories. This allowed authors to identify certain patterns in the approaches of various TV channels to usage of the amateur footage. Specifics of editorial work with user-generated content were studied during the interviews with representatives of all aforementioned TV channels. All interviews were conducted by the authors themselves.

Keywords: television market, Russian TV channels, user-generated content, news programs.



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