For citation: Shatskaya A.D. (2019) Proizvodstvo i «upakovka» kontenta televeshchatelyami obshchego interesa i razvlekatel'noy tematiki v Internete [Production and Packaging of Content by TV-Broadcasters of General Interest and Entertainment Purpose on the Internet]. Mediaskop3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.5
© Alexandra D. Shatskaya
PhD courses alumnus, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Specialist in the Analysis department of the State Public Institution 'Infogorod' (Moscow, Russia),
Internet video consumption is the fastest growing media market nowadays that is resulted in the loss of audience by traditional media like television, radio, and press. In an effort to maintain the size of the audience, Russian broadcasters are switching to digital format. The goal of this research is to study the production and adaptation of the content for digital distribution by Russian broadcasters as a part of their digital strategy. Therefore, we set the following subgoals: find out what type of content is preferable for internet distribution and why; learn how broadcasters adapt traditional video content for digital platforms; discover if special formats for digital are being produced by broadcasters; identify if there is any relation between the genre of a program and its content adaptation strategy. We studied two groups of Russian television channels and found out that the short-form type of content is the most common type of adaptation for television programs of almost all kinds, except drama series and feature films. The results also showed that an adaptation strategy for a content is based on content genre, rather than on a channel type.
Keywords: broadcaster's online strategy, content adaptation for digital distribution.
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