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Correlation of Travel Media Text with the Travel Magazine Format (on the example of National Geographic Traveler Russia)

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For citation: Kalinin I.V. (2019) Korrelyatsiya trevel-mediateksta s formatom turisticheskogo zhurnala (na primere National Geographic Traveler) [Correlation of Travel Media Text with the Travel Magazine Format (on the example of National Geographic Traveler Russia)]. Mediaskop3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.3


© Ivan V. Kalinin

PhD student at the Chair of History of Journalism, Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),



As a type of glossy publications travel magazines are aimed at travelers and tourists and perform organizational, promotional and educational functions. The basis of the "traveler" (travel magazine) is travel media text, which is built on the model based on the functional unity of the media text and its distribution channel. The model includes the necessary elements of a travel media text: representation of territory in "another country" linguistic frame, organizational function, multimodality, motive intention, actualization of the "travel" concept, route detailing, and interaction with stereotypes of the audience.

Using the considered attributes of the travel media text, National Geographic Traveler Russia managed to find a balance between organizational, educational and advertising functions, being more viable than the rest of the travel magazines. Despite the increasing complexity of media legislation, change in the nature of media consumption and economic turbulence NG Traveler continues to be published in a circulation of 110,000 copies (2018), preserving the standard area of the sheet. At the same time, its main competitors were closed: GEO Traveller, Afisha Mir, Condé Nast Traveller, GEO, etc.

Keywords: travel media text, "travel" concept, travel magazine, National Geographic Traveler Russia, multimodality.



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