For citation: Shtyrnik I.S. (2019) Znaki pishchevykh traditsiy vo frantsuzskikh teleanonsakh [Signs of Culinary Identity in French TV Announcements]. Mediaskop2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.8
© Irina S. Shtyrnik
PhD student at the Chair of Theory and Methods of Editing, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The present article discusses the history and specificity of the genre of TV announcements in France. The purpose of the study is to determine the signs of culinary identity presented in four promo videos of the French program 'Julie`s notes' (Les Carnets de Julie) broadcasted by the regional channel 'France 3'. The 'culinary identity' in this work is understood as the identity of the components of the gastronomic act (food, place of the meal, manner of eating, circle of companions), thanks to which the characters of the program identify themselves as members of the French society. A screenshot of a single picture from the promo video is taken as a sign in this work. The author considers the sign as a two-sided model consisting of the signifier and the signified. The method of analysis is media visualization. Having decomposed the video sequence of the four TV annauncements of the program into frames, the author singles out the signifiers pointing to one or another component of the gastronomic act of the French food culture. The signified is taken as the meaning carried by the depicted person, object or phenomenon. The article also analyzes footage that does not broadcast the features of French gastronomic culture, but can also be defined as signs of culinary identity.
Keywords: sign, TV announcement, French TV announcement, culinary identity, 'Julie`s notes'.
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