For citation: Sivyakova E.V., Shamne A.Ya. (2019) Mediynaya reprezentatsiya interesov sub"ektov khospisnogo dvizheniya Rossii [Media Representation of Interests of Russian Hospice Movement Subjects]. Mediaskop2. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.5
© Ekaterina V. Sivyakova
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Alexandra Ya. Shamne
PR specialist at the Ketchum Moscow Agency (Moscow, Russia),
The research question of the article is as follows: how interests of hospice movement actors were presented in Russian media in 1997−2017? Analyzing the content-analysis data, the authors determine the role of media as a platform for social groups' interests articulation, since they should be considered as a factor of quality of public discussion on palliative care improvement. Key result of the research is the fact that during this 20-year long period, representation of the hospice movement in Russian media has become wider and more constant. Moreover, is it possible to make a conclusion that this increasing public discussion has led to a number of institutional changes: Russian hospice movement has demonstrated that local practices of professional society with media support could cause the system renewal. Research results have also demonstrated that 20 years ago patients of hospices could not be considered as a competent, legitimate and self-determined participants of public communication and didn`t have a reliable variety of resources and opportunities for their interests' wide representation. Almost double growth of their comments in media should also be evaluated as a qualitative achievement of media in developing that significant discourse in the public spotlight.
Keywords: hospice movement, palliative care, media representation, public discussion, public policy, articulation of interests.
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