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Specifics of the Advertising Process in Sevastopol

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For citation: Markelov K.V., Ruban R.V. (2019) Spetsifika reklamnogo protsessa v Sevastopole [Specifics of the Advertising Process in Sevastopol]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2019.5


© Kyrill V. Markelov
Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Professor at the Chair of Management, Lomonosov MSU branch in Sevastopol (Sevastopol, Russia),

© Veronika R. Ruban
Master Student at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The present article determines the specifics of the advertising process in Sevastopol and its participants in particular. This topic is relevant due to the slow integration of the regional advertising into reality of the Russian market in light of political and economic forces of 2014.

Structural and functional analysis of activity of the local advertising agencies, determining the role of Sevastopol media in the structure of advertising business, revealing the level of Sevastopol citizens` confidence of advertising allowed us to specify the development trends of advertising process in Sevastopol.

According to expert questionary, the advertising market of Sevastopol declined two-fold in 2014. Advertising agencies have been deprived of footings, have lost their contacts with advertisers. To save the historical look of the city, the Sevastopol Government brought a range of specifications for outdoor advertising which has led to its cost increase. Classical division of advertising agencies into full and specialized ones has been totally invalidated.

Local advertisers refuse to cooperate with the Sevastopol media due to high cost of services and prefer outdoor and Internet advertising.

None of the participants of the advertising process in Sevastopol are interested in advertising efficiency. This has been confirmed by the Sevastopol residents' poll, where 70% are critical of advertising.

The advertising market in Sevastopol is nowadays isolated from the outside world, it has become secluded and backward. It will develop only when there end economic sanctions imposed on the region and high rollers come to the Sevastopol advertising market.

Keywords: advertising process, promotional products, advertising agency, regional advertising, advertising confidence.



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