For citation: Osmanova A.I. (2018) Spetsifika kommunikatsii s molodezhnoy auditoriey v virtual'noy srede [Specifics of Communication with the Youth Audience in Virtual Environment]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2018.10
© Anna I. Osmanova
PhD student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The present article is an overview of the theory of generations. It is emphasized that the key differentiators of the generations are the values that drive people`s behavior and views on the world. The author also underlines the importance of interactions of the brands with the younger audience, providing some theoretical background on how the youth audience can influence the perception of a brand (i.e. statements from the research on the spiral of silence). The topic of the importance of opinion leaders for the younger audience is also widely discussed in the article. Significant is the fact that online communication is crucial for getting closer to youngsters, and opinion leaders are extremely well-presented in online. Moreover, the author gives an overview on how Russian banks communicate with the younger audience, stating that the communication with youngsters is rather to be done via marketing instruments than via creation of a special product. A question of efficiency measurement is also raised in the article, while the author suggests that the McKinsey`s formula of the word-of-mouth efficiency measurement may be used.
Keywords: virtual environment, young people, communication, theory of generations, opinion leaders.
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