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Texts of Anonymous Communication as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness of the Internet Resource Users (on the materials of the web-site

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For citation: Aslanov I.A. (2018) Teksty anonimnoy kommunikatsii kak otrazhenie massovogo soznaniya pol'zovateley internet-resursa (na materialakh [Texts of Anonymous Communication as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness of the Internet Resource Users (on the materials of the web-site]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2018.5


© Ivan A. Aslanov

PhD student at the Department of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article examines the prospects for studying the mass consciousness of the Internet audience using the content-analysis of user generated web-texts. Within the paradigm of Russian sociologist Boris Grushin, the author describes the "subject variety" of mass consciousness exemplified by a case of one of the local segments of the Russian Internet. The data of content-analysis is used to show that "subject variety" reflected into the web-texts can be described as "discontinuous" and "syncretic" (which sustains Grushin theory within contemporary context). The author emphasizes that everyday life experience provides the main part of content for such kind of web-texts. The interpretation allows a hypothesis of special drive existing which encourage users to mediate their everyday life experience during anonymous mass communication.

Keywords: mass consciousness, Internet-communication, mediatization, everyday life.



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