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Syrian Crisis in the Online News Stream (synchronical aspect)

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For citation: Ibrahim I.A. (2018) Otrazheniye siriyskogo krizisa v novostnom onlayn-potoke (sinkhronicheskiy aspekt) [Syrian Crisis in the Online News Stream (synchronical aspect)]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.14


© Ibrahim Iman Ali

PhD degree-seeking student at the Chair of Mass Communications, Philology Department, Russian University of Peoples` Friendship (Moscow, Russia),



The article is devoted to the study of the media image of an online news message about a crisis event on the example of the situation in Syria. The author turns to actual researches in the field of Internet journalism and formation of an information field in the Internet space and formulates the main factors of the formation of the online news stream. He delineates the main principles of actualization and defines its main features, and then, using the example of coverage of a specific event related to the situation in Syria, analyzes the problems of constructing factuality and comes to the conclusion that the reflection of the Syrian crisis in the online news flow has the character of efficiency, continuity and implemented in the form of headers; information as the main principle of the formation of the media image of Syria in the news information field implies the authenticity and clarity of the nominalization; The factuality in the online news message is constructed with the help of 4 key questions that make up the core of the news content; news about the event in Syria is characterized by blurry and fuzzy answers to 4 key questions, which disrupts the actualization of the message and leads to a distortion of the media image of the event.

Keywords: information message, news item, media space, online news stream, factuality, media image



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