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Electronic Monitoring of Citizens' Appeals in the System of Public Relations in Governmental Structures

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For citation: Lektorova Y.Y., Prudnikov A.Y. (2018) Elektronnyy monitoring obrashcheniy grazhdan v sisteme svyazey s obshchestvennost'yu v organakh vlasti [Electronic Monitoring of Citizens' Appeals in the System of Public Relations in Governmental Structures]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.3


© Yulia Y. Lektorova
PhD in Politics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Foreign Languages and Public Relations, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia),

© Andrey Y. Prudnikov
PhD in Politics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Foreign Languages and Public Relations, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia),



The work with citizens' appeals is a priority activity area in the government system of public relations that determines the indicator of the effectiveness of the State PR as a whole.

As the telecommunications infrastructure develops and information technologies are introduced into the social and political sphere, a special virtual communicative platform of power and society − the resources supported by the Internet − is gradually formed. Digital technologies in the system of public relations in the government are focused on transparent dialogue and additional feedback mechanisms that allow monitoring of citizens' appeals and diagnosing public opinion on key issues of the social and political agenda.

This study presents the results of a sociological survey of citizens' attitudes toward various forms of filing appeals to State and municipal authorities. According to the results of the survey, the most preferred form of filing applications are electronic services supported by Internet resources: 47% of respondents gave preference to them.

Based on the web content analysis of existing services for processing calls from the public on the Internet, the models of electronic monitoring of citizens 'appeals are systematized: a special service for receiving and initial processing of citizens' appeals, created as a subdomain of the main site, a Web portal as an independent Internet reception site and an auxiliary electronic resource reception of citizens' appeals, implemented on community sites in social networks.

Keywords: citizens' appeals, public relations, state PR, digital technologies.



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