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News Selection Criteria in Contemporary Russian Media

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For citation: Kolesnichenko A.V. (2018) Kriterii otbora novostey v sovremennykh rossiyskikh SMI [News Selection Criteria in Contemporary Russian Media]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.5


© Aleksandr V. Kolesnichenko
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The analysis of the 15 most popular Russian media sites (news agencies, newspapers, and online media) supports the conclusion that one of the most significant factors of news selection are prominence, negativity and follow-ups. About 90% of news is not relevant to the audience, so we estimated that contemporary Russian journalists become more tempted to entertain rather than inform. The share of good news consumption is 6% − that's four times less than the share of negative news. For the quality media the most popular criteria are prominence and follow-ups. For the yellow journalism such aspects as emotionality, originality and interest (desire to discuss the news with friends) become the most commonly used criteria. The news relevant to the audience is published first of all by government-own "Rossiyskaya gazeta" and biggest news agencies. But the share of such news even there is low (30-40% of news). That means that even the quality press might provide more sensational and controversial materials rather than relevant information.

Keywords: news, news selection criteria, news journalism.



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Reyting v kategorii «Novosti i SMI» [ rating in the category "News and media"]. Available at:;group=media (aссessed: 27.11.2017).

Reyting v kategorii «SMI: Novosti. Informatsionnyye agentstva» [ rating in the category "Media: News. News agencies"]. Available at: (aссessed: 27.11.2017).

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