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“Parizhskaya Moda” Magazine in the Context of Social Ideas at the End of the 19th Century

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For citation: Boyko V.N. (2018) Zhurnal «Parizhskaya moda» v kontekste sotsial'nykh idey kontsa XIX veka ["Parizhskaya Moda" Magazine in the Context of Social Ideas at the End of the 19th Century]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.6



© Vera N. Boyko

PhD student at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article describes the appearance of feminist ideas in popular women's magazines. At the end of the 19th century, the new ideas of suffrage and female independence began to influence even the more traditional and conservative periodicals, such as fashion magazines. The author of the article investigates the presentation and occurrence of those ideas in an unsufficiently known magazine "Parizhskaya moda" (1893−1898). The magazine owned by G.D. Hoppe had both typical fashion-oriented content, as well as modern articles. For example, "Khronika zhenskogo dela" dealt with women's education, female professions and achievements. The journal's articles written by Russian and foreign authors described issues caused by unequal education and work opportunities both in Russia and abroad, attempted to popularize female sports and hygiene. For progress to be made and for social change to be effected it was necessary to establish a dialogue. "Parizhskaya moda" did it in an accessible and careful way that was easy relate to different women, not only to those involved in the feminist movement.

Keywords: "Parizhskaya moda", women's magazines, A.P. Hoppe, S.I. Shishmareva, women's movement.



Parizhskaya moda. 1893−1898.



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