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The Education Reform of the 1860s in the Pages of "The Journal of the Ministry of National Education"

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For citation: Balashova K.A. (2018) Reforma obrazovaniya 1860-h gg. na stranitsakh «Zhurnala Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya» [The Education Reform of the 1860s in the Pages of "The Journal of the Ministry of National Education"]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.4


© Kristina A. Balashova
PhD student at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article examines the matter and content of the education reform of the 1860s, the way it progressed and how this process was reflected in the pages of "The Journal of the Ministry of National Education". The journal covered all the statutory provisions of the reform in their entirety. It published reviews about strides and day-to-day life of the foreign schools, it issued proposals and comments on statute projects both from authorities and individuals. Representing the government, the periodical explained all the goals and objectives of the reform in sequential phases. The journal evolved throughout its existence from 1834 to 1917. However, in the 1860s − as the government was firmly focused on issues of public education and redefined the way the journal worked − editors replaced one another. Each one of them contributed to the content of the journal: for instance, Konstantin D. Ushinsky chose the pedagogical direction, as that time required. Under Rekhnevskiy's guidance, however, the periodical explored pedagogical issues only in the education department. Thus, the study of the journal's nature of that period gives us a chance to consistently scrutinize the work of the Ministry on the education reform.

Keywords: "The Journal of the Ministry of National Education", editors-in-chief of the Journal of the Ministry of National Education, education reform of 1863−1864, Egor Kovalevskiy, Alexander Golovnin, controversy around education reform of 1863−1864, academic committee.



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