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Polyfunctionality of Titles in I.B. Rodnyanskaya's Literary-critical Articles

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For citation: Zenova E.M. (2018) Polifunktsional'nost' zaglaviy v literaturno-kriticheskikh stat'yakh I.B. Rodnyanskoy [Polyfunctionality of Titles in I.B. Rodnyanskaya's Literary-critical Articles]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2018.4


© Elizaveta M. Zenova

PhD student at the Chair of Literary Theory, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This work is the first special study of Rodnianskaia's literary-critical texts. This has become the first attempt to formulate and to adapt a science-based approach for description of critical articles. If we list the most frequent words about literary critic Irina Rodnianskaia (born in 1935), we get the following: "Classic", "searcher for a sense", "the author of our day", "great scholar", "the best candidate for being an object in a thesis". In the monographs dedicated to literature of the XX – XXI centuries one can find such characteristics of her work strategy as "journalistic", "philological" or "academic". A number of articles (for example, "The Demon escapes" on the poem by Mikhail Lermontov) became compulsory for reading by philology students. The article deals with a current problem in the theory of literary criticism. On the material of I.B. Rodnyanskaya's collection of literary critical texts "The movement of literature" the paper focuses on the question of titles. Headings have complex functions acquired in the context of a critical judgment. Each element in the book mentioned contributes to the implementation of a single idea. It is concluded that structural and semantic features of titles are significant in the overall composition of units. The study, which is concentrated on literary criticism, is relevant because it is based on the increasingly popular approach. Conclusions about nature of literary criticism and its method or place in respective disciplines are based on the analysis such categories as style, composition, dialogue, plot and genre. Through researching poetics of articles and detaching in them problem-thematic and structural levels this investigation takes a step towards understanding the method of criticism.

Keywords: literary criticism, the title, poetics, a collection of articles.



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