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Editorial Comment as an Element of Mass Media News Text in Social Networks: Pragmastylistic Features (based on mass media communities in "VKontakte")

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For citation: Nosovets S.G. (2018) Redaktsionnyy kommentariy kak element novostnogo teksta SMI v sotsial'nykh setyakh: pragmastilisticheskiye osobennosti (na materiale pablikov SMI v «VKontakte») [Editorial Comment as an Element of Mass Media News Text in Social Networks: Pragmastylistic Features (based on mass media communities in "VKontakte")]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2018.3


© Svetlana G. Nosovets

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Faculty of Philology and Media Communications, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),



With the advent and development of social networks, journalism faced the need to comprehend this media channel as a new platform for the media, in particular, to determine the divergence of news content. For effective work in a social network, the media should adapt the content, taking into account the communicatory specifics of the medium. Thus, a new adaptive element − an editorial commentary – appears in the structure of the media text along with traditional elements (headline, lead, etc.). It is placed in the communicative environment of the social network.

Like the comment of the reader of the media, the editorial commentary looks like a genre-reaction to the news text of the media (post). However, the editorial comment is in the preposition to the text-stimulus and performs a pragmatic task: it is supposed to attract the attention of the user in the stream of the news feed, to make them interested enough to read the full text. This task is solved with the help of pragmatic methods of oralization (likening the written text to the oral one) and dialogization (establishing contact with the audience). These techniques are aimed at creating an atmosphere of informal communication between the media and community members.

The article analyses various pragmastylistic methods of oralization and dialogization, which are used in editorial commentaries of media communities in the most popular Russian social network "VKontakte". The techniques, revealed in the text, vividly illustrate the processes of media content divergence.]

Keywords: social networks, online media, mediatext, pragmastylistics.



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