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Business Press in Russia: Newspaper Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik(1859−1861): Departments, Subjects

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For citation: Surnina I.A.  (2018) Delovaya pressa Rossii: gazeta «Proizvoditel' i promyshlennik» (1859−1861) [Business Press in Russia: Newspaper Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik(1859−1861): Departments, Subjects]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.7


© Irina A. Surnina

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article provides a first detailed analysis of the content of the business newspaper of the century before last the Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik, published in 1859−1861. The author notes the prerequisites for the growth of specialized publications, gives a brief description of the newspaper, and the possible reasons for its closure. The main volume of the article is occupied with the analysis of the content of the numbers of the Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik: the key themes of the articles published in the paper (the economic condition of individual cities and provinces of the Russian Empire, the ignorance of the merchant class, the development of forestry) are highlighted, and the departments of the newspaper are analyzed. The Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik did not go long, but performed a unique function: directly linked the producers of goods with their consumers; such, perhaps, did not make any of their printed bodies of a business nature. It is noted that it was thanks to the usefulness of the materials published in the newspaper it occupied a worthy place not only among similar economic publications, but in general in the printing system of the turn of the 50−60's. XIX century.

Keywords. economic newspapers and magazines, forestry, gubernias, industry, trade.



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Proizvoditel' i promyshlennik. 185, no.1; no. 3−5; no. 6; no. 8; no. 10−12; no. 14; no. 18; no. 20; no. 22; no. 23; no. 65; no. 78.

Proizvoditel' i promyshlennik. 1860, no. 2; no. 6; no. 7; no. 9; no. 13; no. 14; no. 17; no. 18; no. 26; no. 42; no. 50; no. 52; no. 62; no. 67.

The Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). F. 772.



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