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Current Issues of Child Migration in Germany (case of Der Spiegelmagazine)

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For citation: Islanova J.R. (2017) Aktual'nye problemy detskoy migratsii v Germanii (na primere zhurnala «Shpigel'») [Current Issues of Child Migration in Germany (case of Der Spiegelmagazine)]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:


© Julia R. Islanova

PhD-seeking Student at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article is an analysis of Der Spiegel magazine articles devoted to life of migrant children from the Middle East in Germany. It considers current living conditions of the children, prospects of their social adaptation and integration, and chances for permanent residence in Germany. The main purpose of the article is to analyze current problems of child migration in Germany in 2014−2016 relying on Der Spiegel materials. The research considers the following issues: German migration policy to underage migrants and refugees, adaptation, integration, social support, education and health care, relations with locals, keeping own national traditions, perspectives of coming back to mother countries or staying in Germany. An attempt to reveal Der Spiegel stand on migration issues in Germany is made.

Keywords: Der Spiegel, refugees, underage, migrants, adaptation, integration.



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