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Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in Public Relations: an Institutional Approach

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For citation: DruzhininA.M., SadovskyI.N. (2017) Klyuchevye pokazateli effektivnosti (KPI) v svyazyakh s obshchestvennost'yu: institutsional'nyy podkhod [Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in Public Relations: an Institutional Approach]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:


© Andrey M. Druzhinin
PhD in philosophy, senior researcher at the research sector "Media Industry Academy" (Moscow, Russia),

© Ilya N. Sadovskiy
The General Producer of BIG MEDIA CORP (Moscow, Russia),



The objects of research are PR-communications in the context of methods for evaluating their results. The article considers various approaches to the development of key performance indicators (KPI) in public relations. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of communication strategies and projects have been analyzed. Despite the wide application of the concept of KPI in practical activities, there are currently no unified approaches for the formation of a list of criteria and especially formalized procedures for calculating this indicator. The authors use the methodologies of critical analysis of modern communication practices. This methodology reveals system failures of various strategies, basic conceptual bases, and the structure of representations about tools, channels of interaction with the audience, the customer of PR communications, and the subjects of execution of the order. It is demonstrated that such failures can be fixed with the help of various sociological instruments: questionnaires, unstructured and structured included observations. Key performance indicators (KPI) in public relations in the article are presented as a factor regulating the interaction of various institutionalized entities and communities: customers, PR specialists, target audiences, economic sectors and state authorities. Priority of quality methods for assessing the effectiveness of PR communications was justified. The need to study the worldview characteristics of potential recipients has been proved, because in some cases, PR communications can cause unplanned (and sometimes even contrary to the expectations) reaction of the target audience.

Keywords: performance indicators, PR, communication, management, advertising.



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