For citation: Pruttskov G.V. (2017) Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda i katalonskoe natsional'noe dvizhenie (Retsenziya na knigu: Puigsech J. (2017) La pevolució russa I Catalunya. Vic, Eumo Editorial [The October Revolution of 1917 and Catalan National Movement (Book review: Puigsech J. (2017) La pevolució russa I Catalunya. Vic, Eumo Editorial)]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:
© Grigory V. Pruttskov
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Foreign Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Puchsek Farras Zh. (2017) Istoriograficheskiy mif «Kreml' v Barselone»: rol' sovetskogo konsul'stva vo vremya grazhdanskoy voyny v Ispanii [Historiographical Myth "the Kremlin in Barselona": the role of the Soviet Consulate during the civil war in Spain]. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya 1: 56−68.