For citation: Vol'skaya N.N. (2017) Markery intertekstual'nosti v kreolizovannom mediatekste [Markers of Intertextuality in a Creolized Media Text]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Nadezhda N. Vol'skaya
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Russian Language Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The material is based on the report presented during the International Videoconference "Stylistics and Rhetoric in Higher Education", organized by the Department of Russian Language Stylistics of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University on the 19th of November, 2017. The main organizers represeting the Faculty of Journalism were professor N.I. Klushina and associate professor N. N. Vasilkova. Videoconference took place at the Russian State Library for the Youth in Moscows and was organized in consort with the Southern State University.
The author studies the concept of markedness, which holds a key position in the discourse of the intertextual links. Markedness implies occurence of the linguistic "signals" of intertextual dialogue on phonetic, lexical, syntactic, stylistic and compositional levels of language. The markers of intertextuality of 3 types (connected to the information transmition of particular kind) are emphasized in the report.
Keywords: polycode text, semiotically heterogeneous means, precedent-setting text, intertextuality, markedness.
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