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Media Twins: the Formation of the Image of the Russian Orthodox Church in Mass Media

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For citation: Garbuznyak A.Yu., Solodovnikova O.B. (2017) Mediynye dvoyniki: formirovanie obraza RPTs rossiyskimi SMI [Media Twins: the Formation of the Image of the Russian Orthodox Church in Mass Media]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:


© Alina Yu. Garbuznyak

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Faculty of Advertising, Journalism and Design, Moscow University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia),

© Olga B. Solodovnikova

PhD, Editor at the "Politics and Society" Department of The Ogonyok magazine (Moscow, Russia),



This article considers an image of The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in the russian national press. Framing theory helps to better understand the correlation between the media image of ROC and the context where it appears. Analysis of key words (tags) in the publications reveals three models of church representation in the media. They are "political actor", "economic actor" and "object of cultural heritage". Plus one extra model representing the ideal image of church. Each of them is expected to behave in a certain way. A political actor is always driven by political interests, strives for power. An economic actor is concerned with financial benefit. An object of cultural heritage is in need of conservation and restoration.

The idea "Church – political actor" dominates. On the one hand, this is due to the actual cooperation between representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and state authorities: the clergy together with politicians attend official meetings, support actual political ideology, comment the most important political events. On the other hand, such phenomenon as framing takes place: journalists neglect analysis refering to simplified schemes come from political discourse.

Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, framing, agenda, context, media image, discourse.



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