For citation: Zamkov A.V. (2017) O virtual'nom rasshirenii mediareal'nosti [On the Virtual Extension of Media Reality]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Andrey V. Zamkov
Researcher at the Problem Research Laboratory for Complex Studies of Modern Media Problems, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
This paper analyses advantages and risks posed by promising technological trend in new media – immersive journalism. Immersive media seems to be the most «hot» branch of mass media industry. It can be considered as a new dimension of traditional multimedia environment extended by computer simulated illusion – virtual reality. Digital production of immersive media can extend our experience of reality as well, by making visible higher dimensions of "space", not only physical, but also logical, created by virtual worlds of narrative. This state of consciousness is achieved through external control of feedback between our perception and cognition systems by computer.
The multimodal interaction in man-machine systems became available due to the invention of man-machine technology, known as "deep immersion" of user into the virtual environment. In this context medial and technical premises for virtualization as well as media effects of immersion and presence are discussed. Emerging research domain of immersive media and the case study of immersive learning are presented from the position of systems-analytical approach.
Keywords: virtual reality, immersion, immersive technology, immersive journalism, immersive learning.
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