For citation: Scheglova E.A. (2017) Stilisticheskie osobennosti putevykh ocherkov V.M. Peskova «Puteshestvie s molodym mesyatsem» kak polikodovogo teksta [Stylistic Characteristics of Traveling Sketches "Travel with a New Moon" by V. M. Peskov as an Example of Polycode Text]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Ekaterina A. Scheglova
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Speech Communication, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University (St.Petersburg, Russia),
The article is devoted to the consideration of the traveling sketches "Travel with a New Moon" by V.M. Peskov as an example of the polycode text in the Soviet journalism. Recently the polycode text came under the spotlight of the researchers in the field of media linguistics. However, by the active development of the polycode text in a media linguistic key, it should be noted that the vast majority of scientific works is focused on the study of modern material. Meanwhile, the analysis of the polycode text on the historical material can have considerable results, for example, by the choice of texts of the Soviet period as a source. The nature of interaction of the text of sketches, the photos, the signatures of photos is extremely various: the verbal and the visual components can be the parallel information streams supplementing or filling each other at contact to give rise to additional meanings (sometimes metaphorical), to generate estimation of special type. However the visual component never becomes dominating – it is a skillfully used tool for the realization of the main task which is set for himself by the author, – to educate and bring up the young reader.
Keywords: traveling sketch, V.M. Peskov, verbal component, polycode text, media linguistics.
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