For citation: Mustafina I.R. (2017) F.A. Kumanin – izdatel' zhurnala «Artist» (1889−1895 gg.) [Fyodor Kumanin as the Publisher of the ArtistMagazine (1889−1895)]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:
© Irina R. Mustafina
PhD Student at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Editor at the Department of Culture and Society of The Soyuznoye Veche (newspaper of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia) (Moscow, Russia),
The publication deals with the publishing activity of F.A. Kumanin's (1855−1896), whose magazine the Artist (1889−1895) played an important role in the history of Russian stage and theatrical criticism. Kumanin succeeded in creating the first encyclopedic publication in the field of art with a primary focus on the theater.
In the era of public discussions about the fate of the performing art Kumanin gave the floor to the creators themselves − playwrights, actors, directors. The playwright, the director, the future founder of the V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko Art Theater, artists of the Maly Theater M.P. Sadovsky and A.P. Lensky wrote about the problems of the theater in the magazine.
With the same care Kumanin treated any theatrical undertaking. The publisher thought private theaters to be a step towards the development of scenic art. Kumanin was among the first to see talent in the amateur actors of Konstantin Stanislavsky's Society of Art and Literature, who later joined the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater.
Maly and Alexandrinsky theaters were covered with great respect by the Artist magazine. It is worth noting, however, that the authors of the magazine objectively, and therefore not always positively assessed the activities of the heroes of their publications.
Cooperation with the leading professors of Moscow University N.S. Tikhonravov, A.N. Veselovsky, N.I. Storozhenko provided The Artistwith the status of a serious magazine about art. The publisher involved the best contemporary writers, including A.P. Chekhov, in working for the magazine.
The Artistmagazine is the main, but by no means the only child of Kumanin. During seven years of publishing he created a whole line of newspapers and magazines about art. For modern researchers his legacy is a complete and objective source of knowledge about the Russian theater of the late 19th − beginning of 20th centuries.
Keywords: Fyodor Kumanin, Artist magazine, Nikolai Tikhonravov, Vladimir Korolenko, Anton Chekhov, the Russian drama theatre, theatre criticism.
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