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Citizen Journalism Capabilities in Social Media in Addressing Social Challenges

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For citation: Gasanov N.A. (2017) Vozmozhnosti grazhdanskoy zhurnalistiki v novykh media v reshenii sotsial'nykh problem [Citizen Journalism Capabilities in Social Media in Addressing Social Challenges]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:


© Nariman A. Gasanov

PhD-seeking Student at the Chair of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State University, Project Manager at the Closed Joint-stock Company Center for Audit and Financial Analysis "Hermes" (St. Petersburg, Russia),



Citizens' confidence in social efficiency of civic participation has a significant impact on the intensity of civic participation. In Russia it is quite low, and the role of interactive media environment that integrates the network self-organization of citizens around the socially significant issues is apparent. This study presents analysis of Russian blogosphere aiming to solve social issues. For more detailed analysis I eliminated most important problems that caused rise of civil activism in the blogosphere and studied 12 projects targeting at solving them. Attention of the Russian blogosphere is gained by children, the elderly and vulnerable groups. Not only bloggers but also representatives of the authorities and business organizations initiate social dialogue using this kind of activity for strategic communications. The blogosphere provides space not only for planned actions, but for the occurrence of spontaneous public reaction over the posts. Professionalism of the users doesn't influence the usage of tools that impact social environment. Individual posts evolved to complex video blogs and independent social media.

Keywords: interactive technologies, mediatization, citizen journalism, blogosphere.



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