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Longread as a Type of a Creolized Text

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For citation: Chigaev D.P. (2017) Longrid kak raznovidnost' kreolizovannogo teksta [Longread as a Type of a Creolized Text]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:


© Denis P. Chigaev

PhD, independent researcher (Saransk, Russia),



Multimedia longreads mark the new era in evolution of creolized texts since longreads' structure is complicated with a big variety of media elements. This article is devoted to researching longreads from the point of view of their formal organization with a focus on synergy between verbal and media elements. The aim of the research is to prove that this synergy is the main particularity of longread as a variety of media text. In order to achieve that, the author had to specify his opinion on longreads as a variety of media texts, elicit the varieties of media elements, used in longreads, describe their synergy with verbal elements and with each other, classify longreads, depending on the character of media elements. The research allows the author to describe in detail media elements of longreads (pictures, audio, video, interactive graphics), mechanisms of their correlation with a verbal part and each other, to show realization models of coherence levels of longread text, to introduce a new own classification of longreads (verbal centric, media centric, integrative and complex). This article would be of interest to specialists in linguistics of text, media texts and journalism. Besides, the author's conclusions and theses could be used by journalists during their creation of their own multimedia longreads.

Keywords: longread, creolized text, media text.



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