Tendencies of Italian media market development in 2010−2016
For citation: Urina N.V. (2017) Tendentsii razvitiya mediynogo rynka Italii v 2010−2016 gg. [Tendencies of Italian media market development in 2010−2016]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at: http://www.mediascope.ru/2262
© Natalia V. Urina
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), natalia_urina@mail.ru
The Italian media market that consists of press, radio, television and the Internet takes a special place in the whole communication market structure. Italian population demand for media production has some special features. One of them is that preference is shown to television throughout many years. Investigation of all media market sectors allows of revealing main tendencies of its development.
In 2010−2016 the telecommunication sector was prevailing over the media one by income. Media market is unbalanced and depends much on all the fluctuations in the economic space, that is why it could not overcome the economic crisis consequences and reach the precritical level of income. Positive changes by the end of 2015 have taken shape only in the television sector that had undergone significant changes in its configuration and redistribution of income between pay and free TV. The broadcasting sector is relatively stable, however, its leaders have changed. The press sector undergoes negative processes, including the decrease in number of printed copies and spread of both papers and magazines. A different situation emerges in the Internet development, on the one hand, under digital inequality and solving this problem conditions, and on the other hand, under the increase of advertising income conditions.
The situation in the mass media possession sphere analysis gives an opportunity to detect economical and political factors of the forces regrouping on the media market. The active process of mass media concentration increases its dependence on financial and industrial groups and affects political processes. At large, the situation on Italian media market remains unstable, which can be explained by both internal and external economical and political reasons.
Keywords: Italian mass media, media market, press, television, Internet, media groups.
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