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The Place and Role of Western Radio Stations in the Information Space of the USSR and New Russia (the cases of radio stations "Voice of America", BBC and "Radio Liberty")

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For citation: Kolchina A.S. (2016) Mesto i rol' zapadnykh radiostantsiy v informatsionnom prostranstve SSSR i novoy Rossii (na primere radiostantsiy: «Golos Ameriki», Bi-bi-si i «Radio Svoboda») [The Place and Role of Western Radio Stations in the Information Space of the USSR and New Russia (the cases of radio stations "Voice of America", BBC and "Radio Liberty")]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


© Anna S. Kolchina
PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics,;



The article is a review of the two periods of foreign Russian-language radio broadcasting. The first period is the middle of the XX century, when after the Second World War, former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition "went into" the period of the Cold War and the radio stations "Voice of America", BBC and "Radio Liberty" created Russian services broadcasting, intended for soviet audience. Programs of foreign radio stations became for many years an alternative source of information for listeners in the Soviet Union. And the second reviewing period is the modern period (2006−2016), when foreign stations finally leave the space of Russian broadcasting, "give up" medium and short waves.

Keywords: "Voice of America", BBC, "Radio Liberty", Russian service, foreign broadcasting, short wave.



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