For citation: Galkina Marina Yu., Lehtisaari K. (2016) Prognoz izmeneniya gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya rossiyskikh SMI [The Forecast of Changes in State Regulation of Russian Media]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Marina Yu. Galkina
PhD, Researcher at the Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Katja Lehtisaari
PhD, Researcher for the Aleksanteri Institute, the University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland),
The article discusses the views on changes in media regulation in Russia in near future, from the point of view of national media companies. The analysis of 39 research interviews with top-managers of leading Russian media companies shows that the respondents see very probable increasing role of state in regulation in nearest 5−10 years. Many of the respondents see the influence of the state so strong that it may freeze the development of the media field. The most sensitive views come from print and online media while in radio, there are less expectations of tightening regulation. The responses give the impression that Russia's media policy is mostly in the hands of the state as the main actor to formulate it and the media industry has more a reactionary role in regulation.
Keywords: government regulation. media, media policy, media foresight.
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