For citation: Gasanov N.A. (2106) Mekhanizmy funktsionirovaniya interaktivnykh media v prostranstve sotsial'no-politicheskoy problematiki [Mechanisms of Interactive Media Functioning in the Area of Socio-Political Issues]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Nariman A. Gasanov
PhD-seeking student at the Chair of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State University, project manager at the closed joint-stock company "Center for Audit and Financial Analysis "Hermes"" (St. Petersburg, Russia),
During last five years the most successful mechanisms of interactivity were revealed by journalists and public participated in the social online projects. To disseminate information and to trigger users to interact about socially significant information the interactive media are used. I analyzed interactive projects existing in Russian Internet from 2010 till 2015 to study technologies used by interactive media to solve social problems.
The article introduces classification of interactive technologies types and analyzes projects with four formal criteria: audience, theme, social impact, interactive tools. Social impact was calculated with formal criteria released for public.
The most frequently used in the Russian media interactive technologies aiming at solving social problems include interactive map; online petition; public inquiry on the Internet platform; blogs of civil society activists; checking of political promises; civil applications.
Interactive media addressing the socio-political issues aims to attract attention of the target audience and to stimulate decision making process. To solve the problem offline interactive media has to gain attention of the executive branch. No direct correlation between the characteristics of the offline effect and the characteristics of the instruments used was found.
Keywords: interactive media, social technologies, citizen journalism.
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