Development of Ideas about Factors Determining TV Programs Rating
For citation: Batyrshin R.I., Sharikov A.V. (2016) Razvitie predstavleniy o faktorakh, opredelyayushchikh reytingi teleperedach [Development of Ideas about Factors Determining TV Programs Rating]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Radik I. Batyrshin
PhD, Chairman of the Interstate TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Mir" (Moscow, Russia),
© Alexander V. Sharikov
PhD, Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia),
The main idea of the article is to show how, starting from the middle of the XX century, there was understanding of the various factors that affect the television audience size in the USSR and post-Soviet Russia. The article traces the process of thinking about new factors that affect the behavior of the television audience which formed with the development of television and television viewing measurement systems. Schematically, it could be represented as follows: formation of ideas about components of the TV programs' content and supply forms that attract an audience; understanding of the temporal factors (times of day, weekdays, seasons); understanding the impact of the number of received TV channels; consideration of the TV program type; understanding of internal audience dynamics (arrival on the TV channel and exit TV channel); understanding of the physical factors that affect the behavior of the TV audience (in particular, weather, geomagnetism, solar activity et al.); understanding of different social and cultural factors, including institutional ones that influence the TV audience size. The generalization of the above groups of factors allowed the development of a universal model called "the Audience Size Factors System Model' (ASFS-model).
Keywords: television, TV, television audience, TV program rating, ASFS-model.
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