For citation: Shlyakhova S.S., Glazunova A.S. (2016) Semiotika sotsial'noy reklamy: universal'noe i etnicheskoe [Semiotics of Social Advertising: Universal and Ethnic]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Svetlana S. Shlyakhova
PhD, the Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages and PR at the State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm (Perm, Russia),
© Anna S. Glazunova
Master student at the State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm (Perm, Russia),
The article is dedicated to the cultural specifics of social video advertising. Material of the study was 6 videos. Manufacturers – Russia, Finland, Australia and Belgium. The research material was divided into 3 blocks: the anti-alcohol advertising; advertising the need to fasten the seatbelts; is excess of speed. In each block were analyzed on two videos: Russian and English. The semiotic analysis revealed that the Russian advertising often uses mythologizing and allegory. The English-language advertising is more informative, while in Russia it is usually a method of intimidation (Shock advertising). In Russian social videos music is an essential tool for conveying the meaning of the. But in foreign videos it sometimes doesn't convey necessary information. In the foreign and Russian advertising is dominated by universal signs and symbols. In the West the more is the frequency of household and ethnic symbols, and in Russian – traditional mythological codes, including those from foreign culture.
Keywords: semiotics, intercultural communication, social video advertising, communication strategy, shock advertising.
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