For citation: Semyonova A.L. (2016) N.I. Bogdanovskiy – redaktor-izdatel' [Neil Bogdanovsky − Editor and Publisher]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Alexandra L. Semyonova
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod, Russia),
The article deals with the history of Neil Bogdanovsky's editorial and publishing activities in Novgorod until 1901. He forwarded numerous petitions for permission to publish Novgorod and Staraya Russa newspapers on a broader scale, characteristic of versatile newspapers. But his petitions were rejected. In 1882, he edited "Spravochny Listok Starorusskikh vod". These facts reflected in the documents of the late nineteenth century perfectly illustrate the features of the relationship between journalists, officials and authorities.
Keywords: Bogdanovsky, Staraya Russa, Novgorod, newspaper, censorship.
RGIA. F. 776. Op. 6. Ed. khr. 216. 1877 g.
RGIA. F. 776. Op. 12. Ed. khr. 49. 1882 g.
RGIA. F. 776. Op. 12. Delo № 78. 1880 g.
RGIA. F. 776. Op. 13. D. № 92.
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