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From the History of Censorship in B. I. Khariton's Newspaper "Juzhnij Kurier" (Southern Courier)

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For citation: Nedlin L.Ya. (2016) Iz tsenzurnoy istorii gazety «Yuzhnyy Kur'er» B.I. Kharitona [From the History of Censorship in B. I. Khariton's Newspaper Juzhnij Kurier (Southern Courier)]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


© Leonid Ya. Nedlin

PhD-seeking student at the Chair of the History of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University, (St. Petersburg, Russia),



The article introduces the results of the process which has formed the democratic press of Crimea in the 20th century, using the example of the Kertch newspaper"Juzhnij Kurier". The paper gives a detailed insight into the political, economic, ethical and cultural conditions of the Crimean independent press. On the basis of researched archival material of censored institution the confirmation between the newspaper "Juzhnij Kurier" and its publisher B.I. Khariton against the main press administration is presented.

Keywords: newspaper, Kerch, Crimea, censorship, "Juzhnij Kurier".



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