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Media Consumption as a Key to New Digital Strategies in Media

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For citation: Vyugina D.M. (2016) Tsifrovye strategii mediabiznesa v usloviyakh izmenyayushchegosya mediapotrebleniya [Media Consumption as a Key to New Digital Strategies in Media]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


© Darya M. Vyugina

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The process of adaptation of media economic models to the digital reality is called "digital transformation". Digital media is based on two traditional business models: financing through advertising and subscription - as well as various combinations − so-called "mixed" business model.

Despite the fact that the main trigger of mainly all processes in new media environment is technological change, the successful development of digital media becomes possible only within the deep study of audience behavior.

Media companies are increasingly taking all the media consumption trends, wishes and requirements into account. It already affects the development of business strategies for digital media, where active consumer becomes a source of new ideas not only for journalists, but also for media managers.

 This article is an attempt to classify the newest digital strategies based on how they meet the needs of consumers. According to five media consumption indicators - time, attention, money, access, unique content the following business strategies were identified: Ad-Support, Personalized advertising, Ecosystem model, Freemium, Hypermarket, Dual-Screen Model and several other.

The classification suggested by the author is a very common and sketch mapping of the digital strategies' system, but it makes clear that the new strategic solutions in the digital world are directly related to changes in consumption of active users.

Keywords: digital media, digital strategy, media consumption, business models, digital transformation.



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