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Russian Print Media: Specificity of Online Versions

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For citation: Kruglova L.A. (2016) Rossiyskie pechatnye SMI: spetsifika onlayn-versiy [Russian Print Media: Specificity of Online Versions]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


© Lyudmila A. Kruglova

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



During the period of the Internet formation, the hybridization of the media Internet resources became clearly visible as a primary tendency in the traditional media. All the convergent components are present on the websites of the majority of radio stations, print media and TV channels. That is, texts, photographs, "sound", video content, which are naturally represented in different proportions alongside with the additional options, such as blogs, forums, connections to social networks, opportunity to comment on articles, etc.

In order to reach understanding of what is happening with the convergence of traditional Russian media today, more than twenty different Russian print media and their online versions were analysed.

The websites of the print media primarily remain an "extra item of expenditure" of the printed versions. Convergence is noticeable only on the media portals within large multimedia holdings in which the content of all the intercompany components converges (Kommersant ("The Businessman"), Komsomolskaya Pravda ("Komsomol Truth")). The websites feature less advertising and contain constantly updating newsfeed, article navigation, free services, archives with the editions and also entertainment options.

Interactivity and multimedia are the main features of online publications. Audio and video materials add to the diversity of web pages' content and facilitate an even more acute perception of what is happening. But far from all periodicals fully harness these benefits.

However, the web version basically does not differ from the print analogue and is merely its digital "reflection". The electronic version is supposed to offer users more opportunities and functions, comprise more interactive materials which would be helpful in attracting attention to information.

Given an observed distinct and rapid decline in print media circulation, one of the most obvious means of subsistence for the "old" media is their consistency with the imminent processes of convergenc.

Key words: print media, web versions, convergence, visualization, new media.



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