For citation: Poluekhtova I.A. (2016) Issledovaniya auditorii i mediapotrebleniya v tsifrovoy srede: metodologicheskie i prakticheskie problem [The Studies of Audience and Media Consumption in the Digital Environment: Methodological and Practical Problems]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Irina A. Poluekhtova
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Head of Department of Social Researches in Analytical Center "Video International" (Moscow, Russia),
This article looks at some methodological and practical problems of audience research on conditions of development of new tools for measurement of media consumption. These new tools are digital and they have extended traditional sociological surveys. The article analyzes the negative consequences of increasing in number of sources for surveys and of established practice of usage of these sources, because this practice leads to the situation when the information about the population is "polluted" with controversial figures that distort the real picture of media consumption. In this article the author highlights the methodological difference between "inductive" audience measurement (Big Data) and sociological data (i.e. results of representative sample interviews). The author also considers hybrid and single-source methods as the optimal solutions for research of cross-platform media consumption, first of all for industrial audience measurement.
Keywords: audience, audience measurements, Big Data, media consumption, media measurement, online research, Internet statistics, digital environment, fragmentation.
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