For citation: Morozova A.V. (2016) Reklama kak ob"ekt prakticheskoy estetiki [Advertising as an Object of Practical Aesthetics]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Anastasia V. Morozova
Post-graduate student at the Chair of Russian Language Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, artist and restorer at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Russia),
Advertising is a complex polysemantic and multifunctional phenomenon that can be studied using different approaches. Being an element of marketing communications, it is simultaneously an issue of modern aesthetic communication and an object of both media stylistics, lingua-semiotics and modern aesthetic reflection.
In this article commercial advertising is addressed as a kind of mass art and as an object of practical aesthetics. We adapt the concept of aesthetics (as a macroscience, metascience of the beautiful in all its factures as well as in verbal expression) in its dimension of "practical aesthetics" to the analysis of commercial advertising as a polycode discourse, that is we integrate it in media stylistics.
We study the methodological problems of correlation and interaction of art and advertising.
The product of advertising represents the synthesis of the forms of business information and art devices intended to reach concrete and pragmatic aims.
Market for goods and services is gradually transforming into a market of "emotional purchases"; the competition of similar products from different manufacturers is no longer at the level of the functional characteristics of a model, which run out quickly, but at the level of "selling ideas" and their artistic expression in advertising. Marketing and aesthetic aspects of advertising can complement and enrich each other.
Art as an incarnation of aesthetic in any material specifically fulfilled by human becomes one of the conditions for the successful existence and functioning of advertising. This hypothesis allows us, on the first hand, to analyze the aesthetic and communicational potential of advertising, and on the second hand - to interpret some individual advertising products from the standpoint of art, that is, as a specific type of art.
Keywords: practical aesthetics, commercial advertising aesthetics, popular art.
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