For citation: Verkhovskaya A.I. (2016) Potentsial grazhdanskogo obshchestva i grazhdanskikh massmedia v usloviyakh politicheskoy konsolidatsii v Rossii (po rezul'tatam oprosov sotsiologicheskikh tsentrov) [The Potential of Civil Society and Citizen Mass Media in Terms of Political Consolidation in Russia (according to the results of the surveys conducted by sociological centers)]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Alla I. Verkhovskaya
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The task of this research is to understand the perspectives of civil society in Russia in terms of political consolidation. The forms of social activity of the last few years are examined by the author as the main factors and the capacity of civil society; the democratic values of Russians; Russians' attitudes toward the media and the Internet the functioning of which supports the development of democracy. The author's conclusion is that at the moment the potential of civil society in the country is small, but the democratic values are preserved in the public consciousness and on these values the civil society is based.
Keywords: social activity, the forms of social activity, democratic orientation of Russians, mass media as a resource and factor of the civil society development, citizen mass media
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