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Truthfulness, Objectivity and Humanism in the Perception of Journalists Representing Various Media

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For citation: Deryabina A.S. (2016) Pravdivost', ob"ektivnost' i gumanizm v vospriyatii zhurnalistov razlichnykh SMI [Truthfulness, Objectivity and Humanism in the Perception of Journalists Representing Various Media. Mediaskop 3. Available at:


© Anna S. Deryabina

PhD student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, correspondent at RBC (Moscow, Russia),



The article deals with the attitude of journalists towards professional and ethical standards and values. The purpose of this study is to understand the difference in the perception of this issue by the representatives of various media which differ on ideological orientation (pro-government / opposition / non-political mass media) and type (institutionalized/"personal" communication channels, blogs).

This work is a part of a larger study of journalistic identity in the context of media transformation. A questionnaire has been created to solve the research tasks. The survey involved 166 professional journalists and bloggers. The research is conducted with the use of the method of modeling the different types of professional identities through the respondents' particular professional group and a certain pattern of professional behaviour.

As a result, it has been shown that the understanding of the moral and ethical norms of the profession depends on ideological orientation of the type of media in which journalists work. It turned out that the rate of humanism and responsibility is the highest among the representatives of the new "personal" media - bloggers, which apparently suggests that bloggers are often the people who are not indifferent to the societal processes and who have the thirst for justice.

The highest degree of veracity and independence show the journalists who maintain their own blogs. Thus, the new media reinforce the need for the accurate information.

 Keywords: media psychology, blogs, new media, truthfulness factor, civil journalism, professional identity of the journalist.



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