For citation: Dyachenko D.V. (2016) Ponyatie istoricheskogo fakta i spetsifika redaktorskoy raboty s nim [Historical Fact and Specificity of Editor's Work with It]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
© Darya V. Dyachenko
PhD Student at the Chair of the Editorial and Publishing Business and Information Science, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),
The article is dedicated to specific features of historical facts in the media text. The main task is to consider the concept of fact and its evolution basing on the appropriate theoretical studies in order to define the concept of historical fact, which is poorly studied at the moment. Analogy as the method of historical fact's interpretation and pathos as the way to express it are also covered in the paper. In conclusion the author suggests the list of requirements to the editor's work with media texts containing historical facts.
Key words: historical fact, news report, requirements, analogy, editing.
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