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Specificity and Nature of the Term "Socio-political Broadcasting"

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For citation: Dolgova Y.I. (2016) Spetsifika i sushchnost' ponyatiya «obshchestvenno-politicheskoe televeshchanie» [Specificity and Nature of the Term "Socio-political Broadcasting"]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:


© Yulia I. Dolgova

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



During the transformation of the media system in post-Soviet Russia the renewed understanding of the ideology influenced segment of "socio-political" broadcasting was not formed. Multiple choice of the names of TV channels' newsrooms/directorates, the lack of common definition of socio-political broadcasting imply the necessity of defining it and also the need of distinguishing the essential characteristics of this segment.

In this article the substance of the analysed term in the Soviet theory of broadcast journalism and the current practice of its use, the meanings of the original terms in dictionaries and encyclopedias are under research.

While analysing the functions of socio-political broadcasting the author comes to the conclusion, that the fulfillment of communicative and information as well as analytical and guiding functions is inherent to it as the majority of broadcast journalism scholars concur.

At the same time while examining the diverging tasks of television as an instrument of social control and the means of public opinion management, the author comes to the understanding of the need to require these functions from socio-political broadcasting to ensure sustainable societal development without stagnation.

Socio-political broadcasting is a customary term in Russian practice of broadcast journalism. The article is concluded with the recommendation of the approach unifying the term for Russian and Western theoretical scientific framework, the definition is also specified.

Keywords: socio-political broadcasting, socio-political TV programs, political journalism on TV, society, politics.



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