For citation: Abdullaev M.K. (2016) Ponyatie «ekstremizm» v ryadu drugikh terminov, ispol'zuemykh rossiyskimi SMI pri osveshchenii problematiki religiozno-politicheskogo ekstremizma (na primere respubliki Dagestan) [The Concept of Extremism As Used in Russia’s Media Among Other Terms Denoting Religions and Political Extremism: the Case of the Republic of Daghestan]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
© Murad K. Abdullaev
Junior Researcher at the Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia),
Use of the word “extremism” in mass media texts is discussed. This word is generally used to denote the destabilization processes that take place in Northern Caucasia, in Daghestan in particular, and are aimed to spread the pseudo-Islamic ideology and divide Russia’s Muslims. The author looks at the increasingly frequent indiscriminate use of this word in the media and draws attention to confusion arising in the term’s interpretations that stem from its pedestrian use.
It is argued that such practice tells both on text quality and on adequacy of perception and understanding of the very essence of issues relating to religious and political extremism. Various approaches to definitions of such concepts as extremism, religious and political extremism, Islamism, radicalism and fundamentalism used to denote the extent of each of these terms often applied by journalists as synonyms are discussed.
The conclusion is that journalists should tread more carefully when covering the issue and be wary of casual use of words.
Keywords: extremism, federal media, regional press, ideology, Wahabism, Islamism.
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